1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подставляя модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения письменно.
1) What time do you have to get up? В какое время вам обычно приходится вставать.
2) Even though he hurt his leg, he could to swim back to the boat.Он смог доплыть обратно до лодки, хотя он повредил себе ногу.
3) The process of separating small amounts of the radioactive elements may be followed by measurements of the activity.Процесс отделения небольшого количества радиоактивных элементов может быть сопровожден всплесками активности.
2. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Подчеркните сказуемое в страдательном залоге.
1) You will be spoken to later.
2) The lecture was followed by an interesting discussion.
3) Were many inventions which are now used every day made last century?
4) Distance is usually measured in millimeters, centimeters, meters or kilometers.
5) The photoelectric effect was discovered by Heinrich Hertz in 1887.
1) С Вами будут говорить позже.
2) Лекция сопровождалась интересным обсуждением.
3) Были ли изобретения, которые теперь используются каждый день, сделаны в прошлом столетии?
4) Расстояние обычно измеряется в миллиметрах, сантиметрах, метрах или километрах.
5) Фотоэлектрический эффект был обнаружен Генрихом Херцем в 1887.
3. Перепишите предложения, выбрав причастие нужной формы. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия.
5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива.
6. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на -ing окончания:
7. Прочитайте текст.
Extrication rescue operation
Webster’s definition of rescue is «to free or save from danger.» This definition aptly describes the core mission of the fire service. To fulfill our goals, we may be called on to save lives in many different ways. For saving lives, rescue situations are the most dramatic, and varied. Scenarios may range from a burning building to swift water. An extrication call in the fall of 1995 was the most dramaticcall I have yet responded to. Prior to this call I had responded to more than 100 car accidents and never been faced with such a difficult task. This extrication involved two cars and a minivan on a bridge.
The van was severely damaged and partially over the bridge. Although the van was not ready to go over the edge, this location did cause problems by increasing time involved with stabilization efforts. The patient was in serious condition with injuries to the head, arms, legs, ankles, and feet. The driver door, the engine, and the dash were intruding into the passenger compartment. These problems were bad enough, but in addition the patient’s right foot was pinned by the brake pedal and literally stamped into the sheet metal of the floorboard.
The damage to the van required an extensive amount of work just to gain access to the patient. We removed the passenger side of the van, the door, and the top completely. We resorted to many tools to free the patient’s foot. Only one person could work from the inside at a time. Progress was painstakingly slow due to the lack of room and the metal literally being wrapped around the patient’s foot. We experienced difficulty removing the metal while ensuring our patient’s safety. EMS provided care from the onset and fortunately the patient remained stable throughout the extrication and later during surgery. Ultimately we used a spreader, cutter, sawzall, rams, air chisel, razor blade, knife, and other tools for the extrication.
On this call we had three fire departments, two ground ambulances, and a medical helicopter assisting us. Despite all of these resources and expertise we did not complete our objectives within the time that we should have. This call impressed on me the importance of knowing a wide variety of techniques and the limits and abilities of your tools. The basics cannot be stressed or mastered well enough. We must be dedicated to constantly improving our knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
Street Story by Michael Ramsey, Fire Chief
coremission – ключевая, основная задача
extricationcall – выезд на высвобождение жертв, попавших в беду
dash – щиток, приборная панель
brake – педаль тормоза
EMS – экстренная медицинская помощь
spreader – расширитель, распора
sawzall – пила
ram – домкрат
air chisel – пневматическое зубило
techniques – технические приемы
8. Выпишите из текста (задание № 7):
Определение термина «спасение»; ситуации могут быть как … так и…; на вызов прибыли; мы не справились с поставленной задачей; проблемы была осложнена; посвятить себя постоянному совершенствованию знаний; освобождение жертвы.
9. Переведите предложения на английский язык, пользуясь лексикой текста (задание №7).
10. Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.
Many hotels and office buildings do not have a fixed fire protection system, relying on smoke detection and intervention of staff with back-up from fire services. However, regulations and attitudes are changing, and increasingly a fixed system is required either by law or for insurance purposes, particularly for taller buildings.
In most existing buildings the retrofitting of a conventional sprinkler system is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. This is primarily because of the additional building works required to accommodate the large bore piping, for instance lowering existing ceilings. Additionally the water discharge from conventional sprinkler systems can cause extensive damage to both building and contents.
Innovative side-wall mounted HI-FOG sprinklers can dramatically reduce the piping requirements (and installation disruption) in hotel bedrooms. All systems use small bore stainless steel tubes - normally 38mm OD for risers and only 12mm OD to the individual sprinklers. This means that installation is fast and little ancillary building work is required, so building down¬time is kept to a minimum.
Marioff has supplied a number of systems to protect both large and small hotels and offices around the world. HI-FOG sprinkler systems now protect the 300-bedroom Marriott Regents Park Hotel as well as the smaller Marriott Grand Residence Club in London. Its systems also protect a traditional wooden hotel in Norway as well as a number of hotels and apartment buildings in Italy and Scandinavia.
11. Выпишите из текста (задание № 10) предложения с модальными глаголами. Подчеркните глаголы.
12. Выпишите из текста (задание № 10) предложения, в которых сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге. Подчеркните сказуемое.